Monday, October 8, 2012

Murphy arrived - by mail

Gotta love that Murphy still supports the Canada Postal System :-)

I got my letter from the colonoscopy police. I have to go in at the start of November for another round of exploratoration of my colon. Watch for the feed on Youtube! kidding

Last time it was here in town and my mom just drove me over and picked me up. This time it is in the city, as that is where my specialist is.  This means a hotel stay as the delightful COLYTE I get to drink is not....shall we friendly.  The hotel will be for two nights as I am semi put out for the procedure (thank God) and am legally not allowed to drive for 24 hours. I don't have family right in the city (nor would I want to stay with them if I did, and live in their bathroom for 24 hours). The pre op day is a Thursday and the Op day is a Friday. As I recall, the last time, after the procedure, the bathroom was still very important to me and having someone drive me home, 90 min without a bathroom, isn't an option.

So a mini vacation for going to a spa. I get a room all to myself for the night. All the TV or reading I want to do without children interrupting me and my own special staff to 'pamper' me with a long camera.

I can probably claim some of it back through my plan (I think), and possibly get some back on income tax next year. Since both of those are maybes or a long ways away, I need to think of this as money out.

Costs to me:
- Colyte (gosh I think it was close to $30 last time
- juices and sprite or ginger ale to chase it down as the stuff is so vile - $20
- jello to pack to put in hotel fridge? (mom will make it)
- gas there and back ($70 ish)
- 2 nights stay in the hotel closest to the hospital ($125/ night plus tax)
- cab fare to and from the hospital (no clue. haven't taken a cab in years. hotel guestimates $15 to $20)
- possibly a meal on the evening after the procedure, if I am up to it. Will have to be delivered to hotel room as I can't drive to get it ($25)
- maybe breakfast in the morning (not sure if the hotel has complimentary buffet) ($10)

total potential cost estimate - $425


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