Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Refreshing Sunday

Finally our heat wave has been broken. It got cooler yesterday afternoon and cloudy and the forecast was for rain. It was so nice to be able to have the windows open and not hear the fan droning away. I felt like I was able to DO things instead of swelter. Can you tell I don't handle heat well?

I got in a couple walks, did some laundry, did some cleaning and I even dared to turn the oven on to bake cookies in the early evening. Even boiling something on the stove made the house infinitely hotter and muggier so  being able to turn on the oven without melting was a bonus.  I even managed to get the lawn cut before it rained. DS1 was at work.

It was refreshingly cool last night and about 2 AM a light, steady rain started coming down. It was such a wonderful sound.

This morning I was awakened by an odd sound outside my bedroom window. I always sleep with one ear open when DH is not home. Cautiously I raised my head to the window to find a  young deer outside munching on my dogwood shrub. We both were equally startled lol

This morning is a beautiful soft morning. I started it curled up in the living room with the front door open, enjoying the cool fresh breeze and the sound of the rain falling. Such a privilege to sit with my coffee and relax, and watch a few Til Debt Do Us Part reruns. As the rain stopped for a bit I could hear sounds from the ball diamonds echoing up to my house.

I have cupcakes in the oven and they smell great. I will be good and not have one :-)

 DS2 will enjoy them when he comes home tonight. FINALLY. I miss him. He will be tired after working 18 hours a day at his scout camp in this weather. There are tons of mosquitos and horseflies up there too. I don't know how he does it. He's been running camps for small groups that come up. Teaches them knife skills, firebuilding skills, canoeing, archery, shelter making, cooking over open fire. etc. He had a group of four of them out on an overnight Thursday night.

Friday morning he was in for a shock. Two of my sisters headed up there to visit him and see his world he thrives in. It's harder to share in his passion. With DS1 they can go to his hockey games. With other nieces and nephews we can go watch them curl, play football or volleyball, perform in a play etc but often DS2 doesnt get those moments of family at his activities. So the blond duo headed up. DH paid for their use of the camp and DS2 taught them all the things he would teach a regular group. One of my sisters is a photo hound so there are TONS of pictures of the whirlwind 24 hour visit.

Here are a few:

 This is DS2 with one of the aunties (sister #2). She proceeded to dump the canoe to 'check' to see if DS remembered his lessons on how to get back into a canoe from the water. He got her back later :-)

Their slingshot targets - a great way to use old scratched CDs.


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